Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chinese Medicine: How To Lower Increased Blood Pressure Within 5 Minutes?

When we are physically stacked or under a lot of anxiety, veins are tightening, muscles are tensed and blood pressure rises.

In this sort of circumstance we realize that we must unwind our muscle with the end goal that blood normalizes. The main inquiry is the means by which you accomplish that.


The line reached out from point 1 to point 2, indicated in the photo beneath, ought not be pressed immovably, nor rubbed. You have to tenderly stroke it from top to bottom just utilizing the tips of the fingers. Rehash this strategy 20 times – 10 times on one side and 10 times on the other.

Point number two is placed close to the collarbone and needs to be massaged with your fingertips, 1 minute on each one side. Press hard, yet not hard enough for you to hurt.

After this straightforward treatment, blood pressure will get normal.

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