Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Home-Made Organic Herbal Cough Syrup

Growing up in the Midwest, I often reminisce of the change of seasons. The leaves turn from green, to yellow and then sometimes a bright and vibrant red, before tumbling to the ground. As they dry, they form natural leaf “banks” and piles for children to play in. The first snow is always kind of exciting as well. With it comes memories of sled-riding, snow-ball fights, igloos, snow people, and a million other mementos associated with the holidays.

Now that I’m older, and living in a part of the country that barely fluctuates 5 degrees above or below 70 (not trying to rub it in), I’m happy to relinquish some of my holiday yearnings, based on 1 very strong argument:  I hate getting sick.  While I do practice and promote a diet and lifestyle optimum for a strong immune system, we are all human. Depending on where your home is right now, and where you are spending the holidays, there’s a very good chance some sniffling and coughing are right around the corner.  There’s nothing more annoying than a cough, and if you have kids, there’s nothing more sad than hearing that child suffer with a cough throughout the night.

So what exactly is happening when we cough?  Well, coughing, believe it or not, is actually a very good technique we humans have developed, to help clear our breathing passage of dust, mucous, bacteria, and other foreign invaders.  So as uncomfortable as coughing is, we should remember that coughing is actually saving our lives.  It’s one of those defense mechanisms that are body uses to fight disease. Remember the blog on inflammation?  In the same way, however, when these defense mechanisms become chronic, it may be a sign that WE are doing something that irritates our bodies.  Your cough may be a sign of the cold or flu virus.  It may be a sinus infection.  It may also be an allergy.

Regardless of the cause, here are some foods you may want to avoid while you have a cough:

Milk – I used to get 2 sinus infections per year until I removed cow’s milk and dairy from my diet.  It thickens mucous and makes your sinuses a very pleasing environment for bacterial growth. Thicker phlegm might be irritating to the throat or make a cough worse. One report even says that parents often feel that their child produce more mucus after drinking milk or eating dairy foods. Some people complain that their throat feels coated, and this makes them cough.

Nuts – Some nuts, especially peanuts, have been linked to an allergic cough.  Removing these from your diet may ease the agitation in your throat. Avoid nuts like nuts such as almonds, ground nuts, pistachios, cashew nuts and walnuts and as they are high in oil content as well. Another thing, a cough that develops from a peanut allergy is related to asthma. The inflammation in your airways is caused by the chemical reactions in the body that occur during an allergic reaction.

Wheat – Wheat allergies are very common, and several of the symptoms are swollen throat, itchy throat, and cough.  Try avoiding wheat as well while you are experiencing cold and flu-like symptoms such as a cough. Although take note that allergic reactions to wheat can differ. Sometimes the same person can react differently at different times.

Here are some positive tips to help you ease a cough:

Stay Hydrated – Drinking plenty of water will thin the mucous in your throat and sinuses, and allow the material to properly drain without causing as much irritation. Drink a full glass of water each hour, so that you are drinking a minimum of eight full glasses in one day. Also, make sure that the water you’re drinking is not cold. Room temperature or lukewarm water is the best.

Drink Lemon Water – Lemon has natural antimicrobial effects and can help reduce inflammation in your throat. It also helps break up mucus. The hot water relaxes the throat muscles. Drinking lemon water also helps in cleansing and releasing the toxins in your body which may be causing your cough. Plus, we all know that lemons are loaded with Vitamin C which helps in boosting and protecting the immunity!

Use Cloves in a Diffuser – Cloves are naturally anti-microbial and fight inflammation.  They also have been used as a natural pain reliever.  You can boil some cloves in water, or put some clove oil in a diffuser.  Stand nearby and breath in the aroma.  The particles will flow through your sinuses and throat, killing bad bacteria and easing pain in your throat.

Finally, I’d recommend making a Homemade Organic Herbal Cough Syrup!  These are delicious, fun to make, and will help ease your cough.  

Here’s the recipe:
Home-Made Organic Herbal Cough Syrup


2 cups of water
1 ginger root
1 tea spoon of chamomile
1 tea spoon of marshmallow root
half a tea spoon of cinnamon
4 table spoons of lemon juice
1 cup of honey

Bring the water to a boil, and add the roots and spices (all the wet ingredients.)
Let it simmer until it has reduced about 40%.
Then strain the water into a jar and let it COOL.
Add the honey and lemon juice (after it’s cooled, we don’t want our honey to cook.)
Take 1-2x a day until cough is relieved.
This is a time of year when colds and flus are more common, and it’s not just in the colder areas.  Why?  I think it’s because our diets change around the holidays.  During holiday parties and gatherings, the foods we eat are much less micro-nutrient dense, and our immune system suffers without those vital minerals and vitamins.  
Secondly, we eat more sugar.  
Studies have shown that just 70 grams of sugar (2 sodas) can reduce our white blood cell count by 50%.
This season, we’ll be around a lot of sick friends and family, so let’s keep our precious immune system in mind, and give ourselves as many vitamins and minerals as we can.  The best way to do that is by juicing organic vegetables and super-foods on a regular basis.  

Live Well Be Well


Superfood Beetroot For Super Heart Liver & Bowel Health

Beetroot A Medicinal Food

Super-charged with powerful nutrients and a distinctly sweet and earthy flavour, beetroot deserves to be in your culinary repertoire. Beets are a well-known source of folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron as well as vitamins A, B6 and C, they boost stamina and just three baby beetroot = one of your 5 a day! Here are the reasons that make beetroot a medicinal food :

Betaine and homocysteine

One of beetroot’s many active compounds is betaine, also termed trimethylglycine(TMG). Betaine plays a role in the breakdown of homocysteine in our body, a substance that is natural but can be harmful if allowed to build up to high levels.

- Raised levels of homocysteine are linked to heart disease, thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis), compromised fertility, osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, mood disorders, pain and inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, type II diabetes and more.
- Raised homocysteine is an indication that a process called ‘methylation’, which keeps all the natural chemicals in our body in balance, is not working well.
- Betaine and other nutrients – especially B vitamins – are needed for healthy methylation and to keep homocysteine levels in control.

Research is making us more aware of the importance of controlling homocysteine levels. (Tests are available to check levels.)

Beetroot and the Liver

Beetroot also works to support liver detoxification and bile production for the digestion of dietary fats. Substances called betacyanins in beetroot (including betalains, which give beetroot its beautiful purple-red colour) have been found to support the second phase of liver detoxification. During this second phase, wastes that have actually been made more reactive and harmful during the first phase of detoxification are attached to substances that allow them to be excreted safely from the body. To be in optimal health and protect our body from excessive free radical damage, we need this second phase to work really efficiently.

Research has also shown that betacyanins help to produce bile, a substance that is made by our liver, stored in our gallbladder and then released into our digestive tract when we eat. As well as helping the liver to get rid of waste products, bile acts in the small intestine to break down fats in our food, supporting the digestive process and our absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin A.

Beetroot and the Bowel

Some call it ‘God’s Gift to the Colon’ as it contains a form of soluble fibre that makes the stool soft and easy to pass. Remember to leave the peel on of course.

Antioxidant support

Beetroot has been found to increase levels of a crucial amino acid called glutathione in the body. Glutathione is one of our body’s most important antioxidants, and also has many other roles including supporting detoxification and participating in DNA synthesis and repair. In addition, the betacyanins in beetroot also work directly as free radical scavengers, protecting our cells.

Nitrates for healthy blood pressure

The naturally occurring nitrates found in beetroot (root and leaves) helps to make another vital substance in the body called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide supports normal dilation of blood vessels and flexibility of the arteries – helping to maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure.

Recent research has also examined the role of nitric oxide in reducing oxidation of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. If LDL cholesterol is allowed to oxidise, it is more likely to cause inflammation and damage to the lining of our blood vessels, potentially leading to build-up of plaques and hardening of the arteries. Beetroot may help to prevent this happening.
A rich source of Vitamins and Minerals

Beetroot is a source of iron (for formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin), potassium (for normal muscle function), magnesium (for the health of your nervous system and supporting energy production) and vitamin C (for your immune system). It also contains folate which, like betaine, is important for methylation and maintaining healthy homocysteine levels as I said before.

How to Make Your Own Alkaline Water

Water is slowly becoming the most precious resource in our world. There’s no way around it, it makes up 70% and 80% of our brains and bodies respectively. Water is, in every sense of the word, vital to our existence. Alkaline water offers the best levels of hydration and minerals.

To keep your body nice and hydrated, drink two cups of water first thing in the morning. With them you’ll be able to counter the natural rate of dehydration you have while sleeping.

If you’re an avid coffee drinker, make sure you drink your before your daily wake-me-up because coffee and other diuretics can further increase your levels of dehydration.

Unfortunately most of the of the water that’s accessible to you is either bottled or tap water, both are prone be full of metals, antibiotics, hormones, and chlorine.

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Impure Water

Instead of improving your hydration levels and providing the essential minerals your body needs, these types of water make your body do all work to filter out the hazardous materials. This in turn makes us vulnerable to a range of health issues.

Unreliable water can cause a series of complications, ranging from hindering your immune system to upsetting your body’s acid and alkaline balance. It also makes you extremely vulnerable to any contamination in public water sources or water bottlers.

Bottled water is not only vulnerable to contaminants in its bottler’s system; it also carries the danger posed by the bottles themselves. PET plastic bottles can release heavy metals and chemicals that affect your body’s hormonal balance.

Tap water itself has its own complications, mostly because the majority of public water systems do not have the capacity to control what pharmaceutical compounds enter the supply.

Unfortunately, we still don’t know the full effects of these chemical residues.

If your body becomes too acidic, you’re likely to experience low levels of energy, persistent fatigue, digestive complication, and it can sabotage weight management.

The good news is that these side effects can be bypassed by drinking alkaline water.

At first glance, drinking alkaline water might seem like a costly affair. The price for alkaline filtration system can go up to three thousand dollars.

But fret not, here’s my recipe for homemade alkaline water.


A full pitcher of filtered water (use any standard water filter)
One organic lemon
One tablespoon of pink Himalayan salt (I can’t stop saying how amazing it is)

Fill your pitcher with filtered water.
Cut your organic lemon into quarters, and add them to the pitcher (Do not squeeze them).
Add the tablespoon of the pink Himalayan salt.
Let the water sit overnight at room temperature.

And you’re now ready to start the morning.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, I also recommend using Find A Spring to plan a trip to stock up on natural spring water straight from the source.

The 20 Cancer Symptoms Women Are Most Likely to Ignore

Don’t rely on routine tests alone to protect you from cancer. It’s just as important to listen to your body and notice anything that’s different, odd, or unexplainable.

Here are some signs that are commonly overlooked:

1. Wheezing or shortness of breath
One of the first signs many lung cancer patients remember noticing is the inability to catch their breath.

2. Chronic cough or chest pain
Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung tumors, can cause symptoms that mimic a bad cough or bronchitis. Some lung cancer patients report chest pain that extends up into the shoulder or down the arm.

3. Frequent fevers or infections
These can be signs of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, sapping your body’s infection-fighting capabilities.

4. Difficulty swallowing
Trouble swallowing is most commonly associated with esophageal or throat cancer, and is sometimes one of the first signs of lung cancer, too.

5. Swollen lymph nodes or lumps on the neck, underarm, or groin
Enlarged lymph nodes indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer.

6. Excessive bruising or bleeding that doesn’t stop
This symptom usually suggests something abnormal happening with the platelets and red blood cells, which can be a sign of leukemia. Over time, leukemia cells crowd out red blood cells and platelets, impairing your blood’s ability to carry oxygen and clot.

7. Weakness and fatigue
Generalized fatigue and weakness is a symptom of so many different kinds of cancer that you’ll need to look at it in combination with other symptoms. But any time you feel exhausted without explanation and it doesn’t respond to getting more sleep, talk to your doctor.

8. Bloating or abdominal weight gain
Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer overwhelmingly report unexplained abdominal bloating that came on fairly suddenly and continued on and off over a long period of time.

9. Feeling full and unable to eat
This is another tip-off to ovarian cancer; women say they have no appetite and can’t eat, even when they haven’t eaten for some time.

10. Pelvic or abdominal pain
Pain and cramping in the pelvis and abdomen can go hand in hand with the bloating that often signals ovarian cancer. Leukemia can also cause abdominal pain resulting from an enlarged spleen.

11. Rectal bleeding or blood in stool
This is a common result of diagnosing colorectal cancer. Blood in the toilet alone is reason to call your doctor and schedule a colonoscopy.

12. Unexplained weight loss
Weight loss is an early sign of colon and other digestive cancers; it’s also a sign of cancer that’s spread to the liver, affecting your appetite and the ability of your body to rid itself of wastes.

13. Upset stomach or stomachache
Stomach cramps or frequent upset stomachs may indicate colorectal cancer.

14. A red, sore, or swollen breast
These symptoms can indicate inflammatory breast cancer. Call your doctor about any unexplained changes to your breasts.

15. Nipple changes
One of the most common changes women remember noticing before being diagnosed with breast cancer is a nipple that began to appear flattened, inverted, or turned sideways.

16. Unusually heavy or painful periods or bleeding between periods
Many women report this as the tip-off to endometrial or uterine cancer. Ask for a transvaginal ultrasound if you suspect something more than routine heavy periods.

17. Swelling of facial features
Some patients with lung cancer report noticing puffiness, swelling, or redness in the face. Small cell lung tumors commonly block blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from your head and face.

18. A sore or skin lump that doesn’t heal, becomes crusty, or bleeds easily
Familiarize yourself with the different types of skin cancer — melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma — and be vigilant about checking skin all over your body for odd-looking growths or spots.

19. Changes in nails
Unexplained changes to the fingernails can be a sign of several types of cancer. A brown or black streak or dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer, while newly discovered “clubbing”– enlargement of the ends of the fingers with nails that curve down over the tips — can be a sign of lung cancer. Pale or white nails can sometimes be a sign of liver cancer.

20. Pain in the back or lower right side
Many cancer patients say this was the first sign of liver cancer. Breast cancer is also often diagnosed via back pain, which can occur when a breast tumor presses backward into the chest, or when the cancer spreads to the spine or ribs.

Whether you are a man or a woman, it’s important to watch for any unusual changes in your body and energy levels in order to detect any signs of cancer early on. The sooner you notice there’s a problem, the sooner you can begin to take the steps necessary to promote healing within your body.

Of course, ideally you should follow an anti-cancer lifestyle even before you notice any symptoms, as prevention is the best route when it comes to most chronic diseases. It is not unusual for 10 or more years to pass between exposure to a cancer-causing agent (tobacco, chemicals, radiation, cell phones, poor nutrition, etc.) and detectable cancer.

So during this time you have a chance to alter the progression of the disease.

Cancer is actually a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. The “cure” lies in controlling this abnormal growth and stopping the spread.

Your body has a remarkable capacity to do just that — to heal — and that ability is fueled largely by your lifestyle. If you eat well, exercise, get enough sleep and sun exposure and address your emotional stress, your body should be able to maintain a healthy balance.

The problem with cancer often lies not only with ignoring these health principles but also with the invasive and highly risky treatments that conventional medicine relies on to treat it — surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

This may surprise you to hear, but a recent landmark study found some cancers, even invasive cancers, may go away without treatment, and it may happen more often than anyone thought.

On the contrary, many experts now say cancer patients are more likely to die from cancer treatments like chemotherapy than the cancer itself.

The alarming rates of cancer deaths across the world — cancer has a mortality rate of 90 percent, according to Italian oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini — speak volumes about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of these treatments, yet they are still regarded as the gold standard of cancer care.
Cancer Rates Continue to Rise in 2009
Nearly 1.5 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the United States in 2009, not including the over 1 million cases of basal and squamous cell skin cancers that are also expected to be diagnosed this year, according to American Cancer Society data.

In all, more than 1,500 people will die from cancer each day, accounting for nearly one out of every four U.S. deaths.

The latest estimates show that by 2030, over 26 million people a year may be diagnosed with cancer, with 17 million people dying from it.

Many of these cancer cases and deaths can be prevented, however.

Even the American Cancer Society states that about one-third of the more than 562,000 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2009 will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Another 169,000 will be caused by tobacco use.

There is another widely overlooked cause of cancer deaths, one that could easily be changed as well, and that is a lack of vitamin D from sun exposure.

We now know that well in excess of half of cancer cases would simply disappear if vitamin D levels were optimized.

If You Suspect You Have Cancer, What Should You Do?
First and foremost I would suggest you seek the guidance of a knowledgeable natural health care practitioner. From there the choice is a highly personal decision but one I would urge you to keep an open mind on.

Many people turn to conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy because they think they are the ONLY option. Well, there are other safer options to consider, including one that you may have in your kitchen pantry: baking soda.

Sodium bicarbonate delivers a natural form of chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells — without the side effects and costs of standard chemotherapy treatments. The only problem with the treatment, according to Dr. Mark Sircus, is that it’s too cheap. Since no one is going to make money from it, no one will promote it.

Dr. Simoncini’s quite amazing experience has shown that 99 percent of breast and bladder cancers can heal in just six days, entirely without the use of surgery, chemo or radiation, using just a local infiltration device (such as a catheter) to deliver the sodium bicarbonate directly to the infected site in your breast tissue or bladder.

You can watch actual before and after footage of the treatment working in this video.

Another such approach is Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine (GNM), which operates under the premise that every disease, including cancer, originates from an unexpected shock experience, and that all disease can be cured by resolving these underlying emotional traumas.

Dr. Hamer has spent time in prison for refusing to disavow his medical findings and stop treating his patients with his unorthodox techniques, and is currently living in exile, seeking asylum from persecution.
Make Sure Your Vitamin D Levels are in the Optimal Range
It is also very important for cancer patients to optimize their vitamin D levels into a high range, and you can find out the correct levels by watching my one-hour vitamin D lecture.

Calcitriol, the most potent steroid hormone in your body, is produced in large amounts in your tissues when you have sufficient amounts of vitamin D. However, most cancer patients are vitamin D deficient.

Calcitrol — the activated form of vitamin D — has been shown to protect against cancer by inducing cell differentiation and controlling cell proliferation.

People with a low vitamin D level are less able to make activated vitamin D in an amount sufficient to exert the controls over cell proliferation that are needed to reduce cancer.

Not only is this approach almost without any side effects, but the treatment is virtually free.

So, again, if you have or suspect you have cancer please watch my free vitamin D lecture now to find out how to optimize your levels to the therapeutic range.

12 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer Now
As I said earlier, living an anti-cancer lifestyle now will help your body to stay healthy and in balance, and avoid developing cancer in the first place. Here are the top tips I recommend to start living your healthier lifestyle now:
1. Normalize your vitamin D levels by getting plenty of sunlight exposure and consider careful supplementation when this is not possible. If you take oral vitamin D and have a cancer, it would be very prudent to monitor your vitamin D blood levels regularly.

2. Reduce or eliminate your processed food, sugar and grain carbohydrate intake. Yes, this is even true for whole unprocessed organic grains, as they tend to rapidly break down and drive your insulin and leptin levels up, which is the last thing you need to have happening if you are seeking to resolve or prevent cancer.

3. Control your fasting insulin and leptin levels. This is the end result, and can be easily monitored with the use of simple and relatively inexpensive blood tests.

4. Normalize your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats by taking a high-quality animal-based omega-3 fat like krill oil and reducing your intake of most processed vegetable oils.

5. Get regular exercise. One of the primary reasons exercise works is that it drives your insulin levels down. Controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risks.

6. Get regular, good sleep.

7. Eat according to your nutritional type. The potent anti-cancer effects of this principle are very much underappreciated. When we treat cancer patients in our clinic this is one of the most powerful anti-cancer strategies we have.

8. Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution.

9. Limit your exposure and provide protection for yourself from radiation produced by cell phones, cell phone towers, base stations and WiFi stations.

10. Avoid frying or charbroiling your food. Boil, poach or steam your foods instead.

11. Have a tool to permanently reprogram the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes. Even the CDC states that 85 percent of disease is caused by emotions. It is likely that this factor may be more important than all the other physical ones listed here, so make sure this is addressed. One of the best approaches and my particular favorite tool is the Meridian Tapping Technique.

12. Eat at least one-third of your food raw. Personally my goal is 85% raw and I am usually able to achieve that.
You won’t read or hear much about these cancer-preventive techniques elsewhere because they have not been formally “proven” by conservative researchers. However, were you aware that 85 percent of therapies currently recommended by conventional medicine have never been formally proven either?

Now that’s something to think about.

With little effort on your part, these relatively simple risk reduction strategies can help you to virtually eliminate your cancer risk, and radically improve your chances of recovering from cancer if you currently have it. So go ahead and give them a try; you have nothing to lose and potentially everything, including your life, to gain.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tips To Strengthen & Save Your Knees From Minor Pain

Tips To Strengthen & Save Your Knees From Minor Pain
When I first started my workout program, which began as daily dance performances when I was an entertainer, my knees hurt just about every day.

In my case, I simply did not have any prior muscle developments in my legs or abdomen to support my activities. My weak leg muscles and heavy body-weight contributed to a lot of pressure on my knees. I was told that losing extra weight would take the pressure off my knees. Yeah, well, the advice sounded like a catch 22.  How was I going to lose weight and dance without pain, if the dancing exercise was the cause of my pain?

If you experience knee pain, there’s a way to address it without feeling defeated. You can mindfully strengthen your knees while you continue to work toward your fitness and fat-loss goals.

First be well informed, whenever you have joint pain, it is best that you consult a physical therapist or physician to rule out a major structural issue that requires professional rehabilitation.

However, if you are cleared to exercise, by all means, get moving’ toward your goals.

Tips to save your knees if they hurt

Don’t run or jump

Don’t run or jump, instead use an elliptical trainer, ride the bicycle, strength train with a professional instructor, and opt for a low-impact aerobics class. If the class you want to take is built around fast direction changes, abrupt starts and stops, or stomping, just chill.  You need to modify all that stuff until your quads, hamstrings, and core get strong enough to support your knees.

Do yoga

Basic yoga classes offer balancing poses and core-building exercises that strengthen the whole body. Isometric training for legs (holding poses without moving) is one of the best ways to strengthen the knees.  Poses like downward dog, planks, and bridges improve your leg and core strength.  This poses also increase your muscle awareness and reinforce proper body alignment and stabilization.

Roll out with the foam roller, then stretch

Tight muscles around the knees can make you susceptible to injuries in the knees, hips, and back. The foam roller is a miracle tool. It will release all of the tight areas around your gluteus muscles, back, and legs.

Use the 36” foam roller to roll and gently massage the knots and adhesions in these areas. You will recognize the “knots” because they feel tender when you roll over them.

Roll each area for only 30 seconds to one minute.  Be aware not to roll till your legs turn to jelly, which can actually damage the tissues. After you roll out, stretch. You’ll be amazed by how much more flexible you are after using the foam roller.

And an extra thought to consider to save your knees

Your shoes could be causing your knees to hurt

Especially when the seasons change, we tend to change our shoes; for example, going from summer sandals to cold weather boots.  Your physical alignment shifts when the heel height and support from your shoe changes.  Your body needs time to adjust and re-align from your heel-to-knee-to-hip-to-back.

Sore Knees

Sore knees don’t have to be a setback. With the proper modifications, exercises, and a load of patience (it might take months for you to feel stronger), you can keep moving toward your fitness goals without interruption.


How To Cleanse Your Arteries Naturally?

Our body has its own detoxification mechanism, which cleanses and purifies the system in a complex but efficient way. Cleansing arteries is very important if you want a healthy heart. Moreover, a clean and unclogged arteries can also lower your blood pressure, and reduce inflammation, which are the main culprits of cardiovascular illness.

How to Cleanse your Arteries Naturally?

Listed below are some of the fruits and vegetables that will help cleanse your arteries and maintain a healthy heart.

Asparagus: Asparagus is one of the best vegetables for clearing arteries. Since it is full of fiber and minerals, and vitamins including K, B1, B2, C, and E, it helps to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots that can cause serious cardiovascular illness.

Avocado: Studies have shown that the daily consumption of avocado result in improved blood cholesterol with a decrease in triglycerides and LDL of around 22% and an 11% increase in HDL – the “good” cholesterol that helps to keep arteries clear of obstructions.

Broccoli: Broccoli is another vegetable that is loaded with vitamin K which helps to prevent calcification or hardening of arteries. This super healthy veggie also offers a heart-healthy dose of fiber which helps to normalize blood-pressure and reduce stress that may cause tears (and eventually plaque build-up) in arterial walls.

Garlic: Studies have found that garlic can regress plaque buildup in the arteries, among many other potentially life-saving health benefits.

Pomegranate: This super healing fruit has been found to regress plaque buildup in the arteries as well as being demonstrated to provide dozens of validated health benefits, including replacing the function of the mammalian ovary

Other Foods: Other foods that can help you cleanse your arteries are Fermented Cabbage (Kimchi), Turmeric (curcumin), Sesame Seed, Coffee, Grapes, Cherries, Strawberries, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, and Green Tea.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

How To Turn Gray Hair To Its Original Color Naturally?

Gray hair, according to new findings, is caused by a massive buildup of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear on hair follicles. All hair cells make a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, but as you age, the amount increases. Essentially, you bleach our hair pigment from within and your hair turns gray and then white. Natural remedies can treat effectively problems such as thinning hair and premature graying.

Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hair:

Flaxseed Oil Mix:

Flaxseed oil is commonly used oil in Ayurveda, and is used for reversing the premature graying of hair.

Method of Preparation:

-Put 3 small cloves of garlic and 4 medium sized lemons in a blender and mix.
-After that, add the 7 oz /200 grams of flaxseed oil and 2.2 lbs / 1 kg of honey and mix again.
-Place the mixture in a glass bowl and tightly close it with a lid. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator.
-Consume one tablespoon of the mixture half an hour before meal. Use wooden spoon only.
-It is recommended to consume this mixture three times a day.

Indian Gooseberry or Amla:

Indian gooseberry plays an important role in Ayurveda regarding the hair problems. Amla helps proper and faster hair growth and further prevents your hair from premature graying. Amla helps to revitalize the pigmentation in your hair and cures the gray hair problem.

Onion Juice:

Onion juice can control or reverse graying of hair.

-Take onion juice and apply this on the scalp.
-Massage it gently and let it sit for about 40 – 60 minutes.
-You can also mix a little bit of lemon juice in this onion juice and then apply this on the scalp. Or simply rub the onion piece (that cut into half) on the scalp.
-Reapply this process daily for few weeks till you get relief from the hair problems including premature gray hair

Monday, June 8, 2015

Recipe! Beet and Potato Gnocchi with Mint Hazelnut Pesto

Beet and Potato Gnocchi with Mint Hazelnut Pesto

Prep time
1 hour
Cook time
20 mins
Total time
1 hour 20 mins
Recipe Type: Main
Serves: 4
7 oz cooked beets, peeled and diced
14 oz baking potatoes like russet, peeled
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
⅓ cup + 1 tablespoon brown rice flour (or white)
⅓ cup potato starch
2 tablespoons corn starch
2 tablespoons hazelnut flour
1 egg

~~ For the pesto ~~
2 cups packed mint leaves
⅓ cup hard Italian cheese, such as Parmigiano or Pecorino
⅓ cup hazelnuts
3 cloves garlic
hazelnut oil or extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Wrap the beets in foil and bake them in 375 degrees F oven until cooked, about 45 minutes or until a tester can easily be inserted. Let cool before peeling the skins off. Set aside.
Boil the potatoes until cooked, 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool before peeling the skins off.
With a ricer, mash the potatoes with the beets. If you don't have a ricer, try running them through a fine mesh sieve. Combine the mashed vegetables in a bowl.
In another bowl, combine all the flours with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.
Add the mashed potatoes and beets, then the egg.
Mix until just combines and turn dough out to a floured work area.
Shape the dough until it forms a ball that is somewhat wet still. Do not over mix or add too much flour in.
Divide the dough in 4 pieces and roll each into a log.
Cut into small pieces and if preferred, roll on a fork or gnocchi paddle to make a design. At this point, you can freeze the prepared gnocchi for future use.
If preparing now, drop gnocchi in salted boiling water until they rise to the surface.
Scoop out and set aside on a plate.
For the pesto, put the mint, cheese, hazelnuts, and garlic in the food processor.
Pulse on high a few times until chopped, then stream the desired amount of oil through the feeder and whirl until puréed.
Season pesto with salt and pepper.
To serve, sauté the gnocchi with olive oil in a pan set to medium heat. Turn to a plate when heated and serve immediately.
Spoon pesto on top or serve it on the side.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bangkok Vegetarian

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Compliments from happycow

Bangkok (131)

Vegetarian Restaurants: (107 Listings)

May Kaidee's Vegetarian Restaurant - Tanao
59 Tanao Road, Banglamphu ~ PH: 662-2817699, 891373173
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Organic, Thai, Beer/Wine, Take-out--- Additional Info: Veggie restaurant near Khao Sarn Rd, in alley behind Burger King. This is their larger location. Upstairs is the cooking school (2nd floor) with balcony seating for restaurant. Mon-Sun 9:00am-11:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

May Kaidee's Vegetarian Restaurant - Samsen
33 Samsen Road, Soi 1, Banglamphu ~ PH: 662-2817699, 891373173
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Western, Buffet, Take-out--- Additional Info: Air-conditioned restaurant in Khao Sarn Road area making mostly Thai cuisine with a few western ones. Offers an evening all-you-can-eat buffet. Multiple locations. Directions: from the river end of Khao San Rd, turn right onto Chakrapong Rd, the name changes to Samsen Rd, cross over canal bridge & look for "May Kaidee" on the left, at no. 33, before Samsen Soi 1. NOTE: The neighbors have tried to profit from May's success and puts out misleading signs next door - be aware. Cash only. Mon-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Saras - Bangkok
15 Sukhumvit Soi 20, Sukhumvit Road ~ PH: 024018484
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Thai, Juice bar, Fast food, Delivery, Catering--- Additional Info: Saras, whose name stems from Sanskrit meaning "with juice," offers an extensive menu that encompasses 200+ dishes ranging from a cross-selection of Indian regional delicacies including Indian-Chinese and Thai vegetarian food. It's quick service style with Wi-Fi, situated near Windsor Hotel. Has another outlet in Pattaya. Has outdoor seating. Wheelchair accessible. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Fri 8:30am-10:30pm, Sat-Sun 8:30am-11:00pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

12 Pan Road, Silom ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Buffet--- Additional Info: Lunch eatery in Silom area near the Hindu Temple. Hot food typically starts from 10:30am and runs by by 3pm. Offers 6 to 8 hot dishes plus around 6 to 8 fake meats. Has both brown and white rice. Could order noodles, cooked-to-order. Run by husband and wife owners. Cash only. Mon-Fri 9:30am-4:30pm.--Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Ariya Organic Cafe
2nd Floor Life Center, Q-House Building Lumphini, Sathorn Rd ~ PH: +66-26777353
Expensive-- Vegan, Organic, Raw,Thai, Western, Juice bar, Take-out--- Additional Info: Bangkok wellness center and organic cafe. Serves vegan organic food including fresh juices, smoothies, veggie sushi, salads, light entrees, raw crackers, and desserts. Uses fresh, all natural ingredients with many items being raw. At this location since 2011 (was at MBK Center). Wheelchair accessible. Accepts credit cards. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

7/24 M7 Khlong Song, Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani (at Phahonyothin) ~ PH: 084-3763696
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: A 100% vegan Thai food restaurant that does not use monosodium glutamate, garlic or onions. All food is made-to-order in-house, including noodle soups, stir fried dishes, soups, specialties and more. Also has a small shop of vegan products. Sidewalk level entrance, spacious, partly outside, no high steps. Come by car. Can call for delivery within reasonable distance. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Mon-Sat 7:00am-7:00pm, Sun 7:00am-2:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Healthy Pan
611/175 Soi Watchannai, Thanon Charoen Rat Road ~ PH: 662-6898881
Moderate-- Vegan, Chinese, Thai, Take-out, Juice bar--- Additional Info: Vegan restaurant next to Bangkok Rubber Company, opened summer 2013 after some months closure. Serves Thai and Chinese vegetarian dishes using soy mockmeats; has desserts. Cozy, modern, and air-conditioned. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Hsien Yong
1146/4-5 Chan Road, Soi Chan 39, Sathorn ~ PH: 662-2125015
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai--- Additional Info: เสียนหยง. Large restaurant with authentic Thai cuisine and vegan sweets. .Call for hours - tell us.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

J Khaohom
Bang Khen District, North Bangkok ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Typical Thai veggie restaurant partly outdoor with fans, next to Tanommitr market in a big area of apartment houses opposite building 14. Noodle soups and rice dishes, pre-cooked dishes that you can take away. Cash only. Mon-Sun 6:00am-3:30pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Kaodaeng - Kaeng Rawn
239/5 Soi Kasikorn Bank (at near Khaosarn Rd & Banglumpoo post office) ~ PH: 662-2826338
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Chinese, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Spicy Thai food. Better to arrive when food has just been prepared. Difficult to find because the soi has no name. From Phra Sumen Road, take the soi just beside the Kasikorn Bank. Mon-Sun 7:00am-2:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Khao-Dang Kang-Ron
Soi Nawamin 46, Nawamin Rd, Buengkum ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegan restaurant since 1985. Daily menus include noodles and choices of ready-made hot food such as curry, soup, stir frys, Thai salad. Cash only. Mon-Sun 6:00am-4:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Kob Chai 1
Ladprao, Soi Chokchai 4, 15 Soi 54 ~ PH: 02-931-1900086-613-0909
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: A vegan Thai restaurant's specialties include noodles, green curry, red curry, rice soup, vegetarian chicken, stew, gaeng som, vegetarian dried pork, 3 flavored tofu skin, savory mushrooms. Choice of white or brown rice. No soft drinks, but they have some Thai herbal drinks. Located next to 7-11. Mon-Sun 6:00am-4:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Kran Boom Modern Thai
India Emporium, Thanon Chakkaphet at (at Thanon Pahurat) ~ PH: 021887987
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Located in the Indian Emporium Building on the 4th floor you will find this Thai vegan food booth. Offers an extensive menu which includes a varied selection of salads and dishes from different regions of Thailand. Owner speaks some English. Approx 10 minute walk up Chakra Phet Road from the Boat Pier. Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Loving Hut
424, Rama 3 Road, Front Soi 20, Bang Kholaem ~ PH: 081-481-6500 / 089-485-3232
Moderate-- Vegan, Thai, Asian, Western--- Additional Info: Part of international vegan restaurant chain opened by disciples of Supreme Master Ching Hai, an advocate for veg living. Each location is individual family owned and operated. Serves all vegan food, coffee, and desserts. Current location since April 2013; previously at 257 Charoennakhon Road, Ground Floor Shop 11, Thonburi, connected to Marriott hotel. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 11:00am-9:30pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Loving Hut - Ram-Intra 51
8/2 Moo 8 Soi Ram-Intra 51, Ram Intra Rd ~ PH: 081-751-5227
Moderate-- Vegan, Thai, Chinese, Take-out, Delivery--- Additional Info: Part of international chain of vegan restaurants inspired by Supreme Master Ching Hai, an advocate for veg living. Each location is individual family owned and operated. Serves all vegan food, coffee, non-alcoholic beverages, and vegan desserts. Has Wi-Fi and parking spaces. Has outdoor seating. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Mon-Sun 11:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Loving Hut - Seri Village
199/73 (71) Seri Village Aonnuch- Srinagarindra Rd (at Khet Praves) ~ PH: 66-2721032066-8349770
Inexpensive-- Vegan, American, Asian, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Part of international chain of vegan restaurants opened by followers of Supreme Master Ching Hai, an advocate for vegetarian living. Each location is individual family owned and operated. Serves all vegan food, coffee, non-alcoholic beverages, and more. .-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Loving Hut Bangna
Bangna Trad Road Soi 32 ~ PH: 0900153023
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Take-out, Vietnamese, Delivery--- Additional Info: Established late 2011 by a Vietnamese mother and daughter team and at this locations since Jan 2012. Changed its name from Be Veg Go Green in late 2013. Simple vegan food place opposite green building serving Vietnamese and Thai food. Location is a five minute walk across the pedestrian bridge from Central Bangna (which is far from the Bangna sky-train station), 100 meters from the main road on the right. Parking in front. Map marker location confirmed Oct 2014. Cash only. Mon-Sat 9:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

May Veggie Home
Asoke, near Sukhumvit Road Soi 21 ~ PH: +66-021182967
Moderate-- Vegan, Thai, Western--- Additional Info: FEB 2014 reported all vegan and moved to the Asoke area near Sukhumvit Road Soi 21, opposite Terminal 21 - if coming Asoke BTS, take exit 4 and the first right and it is 70m away. Same owners. Vegan cafe offering dishes including faux meats, masaman king oyster mushroom curry with Indian bread, tofu green curry served with brown rice, fried rice with tom yum soup, Thai salad with crunchy tofu, some veggie burgers, fresh fruit and herbal drinks, fresh soya milk. Cash only. Mon-Sun 11:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

MBK - Vegetarian Food
444 Phayathai Rd (at MBK food court kiosk C-8) ~ PH: 2179491
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Chinese, Thai, Take-out, Fast food--- Additional Info: On the 6th floor food court of MBK (Mah Boon Krong) shopping center. Gets crowded and noisy. Some dishes are spicy. Uses MSG per report Apr 2015. Cash only. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Nang Aharn Jay
111/6-7 Pahurat St. Wang Burapa (at Luang Thai Rd, across from Old Siam) ~ PH: 081-3417908, 4057658
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Chinese, Thai--- Additional Info: 20+ years old restaurant located in a very small soi/alley - look for stickers advertising vegetarian products on the wall. Around 25-35 baht each for curries, noodles, and food to order. Cash only. .-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Ran Jay
Sukhumvit soi 101, house 402 ~ PH: 08976136880851253053
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Chinese, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Local restaurant offering veg food, situated 500 meters from Punnawithi BTS station between Punnawithi soi 14 and 16. Cash only. Mon-Sun 6:00am-9:00am.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Rasayana Raw Healthy Deli
4F, Soi 24/26 Sukhumvit Rd (at Emporium Building) ~ PH: 
Moderate-- Vegan, Fusion, Raw, Western, Take-out only--- Additional Info: A small takeaway counter from the Rasayana Raw Retreat (with main branches in Bangkok and Pattaya.) Re-opened here, previously on the 5th floor. Sells a small selection of raw vegan salads, snacks and desserts. No seating. Mon-Sun 9:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Tien Sin
Thanon Si Wiang, off Charoen Krung Road (at Opposite the turn off from Shangri La) ~ PH:02-2348183
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: A basic 'hole in the wall' Thai vegetarian restaurant located 30 meters from Charoen Krung Road. No air-con, but cheap. Offers a selection of pre-made food including noodle soup that you can just point to as well as a menu in English. It also has a wide selection of vegetarian meats to buy and cook with at home. Cash only. Mon-Sat 7:00am-3:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

TOPS Food Court - Seacon Square
Seacon Square, Srinakarin Road ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegan food stall in the TOPS food court at Seacon Square. Look for the yellow and red flags, or ask someone to point to "jay" (veg) food. Food changes daily and is offered cantine style with rice. Rice with one dish cost starting at 30 baht. Also offers food to order like pad grapao (basil fried vegetables) and rad na (sticky noodle and vegetable soup) for around 40 baht each. No garlic or onion used. Mon-Sun 9:00am-6:30pm.-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Veg Food Stall
1231 Phahonyothin Rd ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: This jay (vegan) food stall is in a small lane between Phahonyothin Rd (where the BTS line is) and Ari 1. The little lane starts right at the BTS station. The stand has cold and warm savory dishes, mostly pre-packed for takeaway, but you can also eat there at a little table. Also has fresh spring rolls and banana in coconut milk as dessert. The stall closes when the food is gone, so it's better to come earlier, before 3pm. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Veg food stall
61 Srinakarin Rd (at Paradise Park shopping mall) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Veg food stall at the ground floor food baazar area in Paradise Park shopping mall. Mon-Sun 10:00am-9:30pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Veg Food Stall - Samphantawongse
204-208 Soi Yaowarat 8, Charoen Krung Road Soi 14, Khet Samphantawongse (at China Town) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Chinese, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Food stall on a small side street of Thanon Charoen Krung, next to Check Inn Chinatown hotel. Look for the red & yellow "jay" flags (vegetarian). Everything on the menu (with pictures) is vegan, made with tofu, mock meat, noodle, and rice. Understands a little bit of English. Has outdoor seating. Cash only. .-- Rating: 2 HappyCow(s)

Vegan Food Stall
Government Complex Building B, Chaengwattana Road Soi 7, Laksi ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Fast Food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Possibly named "Thi Neung Aharn Jay", and located at the Government Complex building, near the Immigration department, there are 2 large food courts. One of them has a pure veg (vegan) food stall. Offers basic Thai vegan dishes for 40-60 baht each. The owners used to operate UR Station in Suan Pluu when the main immigration service was there. .-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Vegan Thai Food Stalls
behind Indian Emporium, Chakaphet Road, Phahurat (India town) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Chinese, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Two typical veg food stalls in the alley behind the Indian Emporium. Local food at inexpensive local prices. Has outdoor seating. Cash only. .-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Vegetarian Food Center
Talat Luang Alley ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Small but clean hole-in-the-wall eatery. Menu is posted on the wall and incluedes around 20 dishes which are cooked to order. JAN 2014 reported not found... please send correct geocode coordinates. Cash only. Mon-Sat 11:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Vegetarian Food Stall
Klong Kwang Market, Phetkasem 69 (at /near intersection Soi 13 and Siam Commercial Bank) ~ PH: 089-4583395
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Please send HappyCow link to correct location map. Cash only. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Walee Vegetarian
Food Court, 4F, Soi 24/26 Sukhumvit Rd (at Emporium Building) ~ PH: n/a
Moderate-- Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Small stall in the food court department of the Emporium building. There are about eight pre-cooked dishes to choose from with rice. Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Yota Vegetarian Foods
Thanon Pan (at btwn Silom & Sathorn) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan, Chinese, Thai--- Additional Info: Very small restaurant featuring usually 3-4 food selections. Try the "kai jae" (veggie "eggs"), or the home-made mock meat strips. Also selling a small selection of vegan groceries such as canned curries with mock meat. Located next door to the left of Chennai Kitchen (has a few stairs and a yellow banner in front). Cash only. .Open Mon-Sun til 6pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Aahan Che 1
293/ 20, Soi Kamchai Lamsuri, Sura Wong Road, Suriyawongse Bangrak ~ PH: 02-6356002
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Thai--- Additional Info: It is not much to look as a typical Thai hole in the wall, no air con. It's mostly Thai cooking and some Chinese cooking, by a totally Indian run staff. No alcohol. About 50 things on the menu. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

976/17 Soi Rama 9 Hospital, Hwaykwang (at Bangkapi, opposite Rama 9 Hospital) ~ PH: 02-6415366/70
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Lacto, Organic, Thai, Italian, International, Take-out--- Additional Info: Veggie food and bakery with air conditioning. Offers Thai and international cuisine (mostly Italian), and in-house-made cakes and desserts. Nice presentation, comfortable setting. English on the menu. Direction: Take subway to Rama 9 station, then a short taxi ride, and it's located in a double row of shop houses next to Rama 9 Hospital. Tell taxi to go to Rama 9 Hospital. You will turn into a small street, pass through an open gate, hospital will be on your right, the shophouses will be on your left. Go straight 100m til you see a driveway coming out of the shophouses. Turn left up the driveway, and Anotai is in the center of block. There is a Thai map on their website which you can give to the driver. Mon-Tue 10:00am-9:00pm, Thu-Sun 10:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

152 Dinso Road (at opposite City Hall, near 7-Eleven) ~ PH: 02-2244517
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Fast food--- Additional Info: Small, casual cafe. Menu consists of many mockmeat dishes, everything dairy-free. Food is prepared in the morning and sits out all day. Some dishes may contain MSG. Made popular by Lonely Planet, though just a simple/standard Jay place. Can get busy. Note: Foreign customers may get charged differently than locals. Confirmed open April 2012. Mon-Sun 7:00am-7:00pm.-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Aryaa's Indian Restaurant
164/1 Sukhumvit Road (at Sukhumvit Soi 8 corner) ~ PH: 02653144666830597663
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Indo-Chinese, Take-out, Delivery--- Additional Info: In the tourist area, on the 2nd floor above Sukhumvit Rd, sits this vegetarian Indian restaurant. Its large menu offers primarily South Indian food with also North Indian and Indo-Chinese meals. Prices are moderate to slightly expensive. Directions: Near BTS Nana station exit 4, after exiting the stairs from exit 4, turn in the opposite direction, and it's immediately adjacent to the BTS station, upstairs through a glass door at street level. Mon-Sun 10:30am-11:30pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Baan Suan Pai
17/1 Phahon Yothin Rd, Phaya Thai ~ PH: 02-617 2090089-4850400
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Buddhist--- Additional Info: Inside the courtyard of a yoga and retreat center compound, you'll find several, small veg food stands, a couple shops selling health food products, an herbal doctor offering treatments, and a gym. Confirmed open by HappyCow member Oct 2013. It's tucked away and difficult to find. Also known as 'Baan Aree' (Ari house) or 'Banana Family Park.' Directions: Take exit 1 from Ari Station, walk 3 minutes towards the ESSO service station, immediately before ESSO you will see an alleyway with 'Banana Family Park' on the wall in bright letters, walk up this alleyway and continue through the complex as if you are going to exit out through the back, and you will find all the vegetarian stalls and health shop right at the back. Cash only. Mon-Sun 7:00am-2:30pm.--Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

BACS Kitchen
12 Soi Pridi Banomyong 41, Kongtan Nua, Wattana (at Sukhumvit 71) ~ PH: 02-3819406
Inexpensive-- Ovo, Lacto, Chinese, Thai, International--- Additional Info: Open air, school environment. Set daily lunch menu costs approx 50 baht. Cash only. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Baiyoke Sky Hotel Fruit Buffet
222 Ratchaprarop Rd, Ratchathewi ~ PH: +66-26563939
Expensive-- Vegan-friendly Buffet--- Additional Info: On the 18th floor of the hotel there is an all-you-can-eat fruit buffet. Costs is around 350 baht per person as of Apr 2015. Mon-Sun 9:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Baluchi's Bangkok
Soi Rongmai, Chao Fa Road, Pranakhorn ~ PH: +66851598905
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Beer/Wine, Catering, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegetarian Indian food place at Sawasdee Welcome Inn. Offers thali. Has outdoor seating. Cash only. Mon-Sun 11:00am-12:00am.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Bobae Tower Food Court
488/800 Bobae Tower, Damrongrak Rd, Klong Mahanak (at Bobae Tower 6th Fl) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Food court--- Additional Info: Small counter in a food court offering Buddhist style Thai food.

Cash only. Mon-Sun 8:00am-2:30pm.-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Cha Cha's South Indian Vegetarian
India Emporium, Thanon Chakaphet (at Thanon Pahurat) ~ PH: 021887987
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegetarian South Indian kitchen with air conditioning, located in the Indian Emporium building on the 4th floor. Offers a large selection of South Indian food from dosas and idlli to vada, and samosas. Menu is in English and is approx. 90% vegan suitable with the exception of several marked dishes with dairy. There is a also pure Thai vegan food booth on the floor. Approx 10 minute walk up Chakra Phet Road from the Boat Pier. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm.-- Rating: 2 HappyCow(s)

Chamlong's Asoke Vegetarian Restaurant
Chatuchak Market (at Kampaeng Phet Rd) ~ PH: 02272-4282
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Thai, Chinese, Organic, Buffet--- Additional Info: Across the road from Chatuchat exit 1, you see a large food court, fruit and veg stalls, and a shop all run by the vegetarian foundation known as Chamlong Mangsawirat or Vegetarian Foundation. Chamlong is in a 2 floor white building behind some night clubs. Large space with 40 tables, serving simple Thai & Chinese veg food, self-serve buffet with some sauces containing milk (ask). It's operated by Santi Asok buddhist sect referring to themselves as The Dharma Practitioner Association. Thai language only. Location is next to the weekend market, in its own car park among other restaurants, health food & produce shops. Directions: Turn inside small soi around 400 club, pass night club parking. Take skytrain to the terminus at Mo Chit, then take subway (towards Bang Sue) to Kampaeng Phet where you take exit #1, and at the top of the escalator, turn right and go back up the road in the opposite direction to the direction in which you were going up the escalator. After 50 meters turn right at Roy Antiques (glass-sided building), go 50 metres up that alley, veer right and you'll see a long 2-storey building. Go through it about halfway down on the ground floor. Go to the window on your left and buy food coupons. Tue-Fri 6:00am-2:00pm, Sat-Sun 6:00am-3:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Chang Sow
84-88 Moo 7 Soi Thakam, Rama 2 Road, Samaedam District (at Soi opposite Central Plaza Rama 2) ~ PH: 662-8954895
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Taiwanese and Thai style vegetarian food. Cash only. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Chennai Kitchen
10 Pan Street, Silom, Bangrak ~ PH: 66-2-2341266
Inexpensive-- Indian--- Additional Info: Small vegetarian Indian restaurant. Menu includes: idli, dosas, South Indian thali meals, vada, uthappam, poori, chappathi, Madras coffee, masala tea. Prices 50-150 Baht. Reported moved to new location on Thanon Pan Feb 2015. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Chijuya Restaurant - Jing Xin Health Food
Thanon Song Wat, Samphanthawong (at back of Lim Hi Lee Kitchen) ~ PH: 02-2262275
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Chinese, Thai, Japanese--- Additional Info: All vegetarian and mostly Japanese food with a variety of vegetable sushi along with different mock meats. Ask for the photo menu. Average dish around 60-100 baht. No alcohol. Located on the 2nd floor of Fifty-Fifth Plaza; Previously at Sukhumvit 55, Wattana. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 11:30am-2:30pm, 5:00pm-9:30pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Chulalongkorn Hospital Food Court
1873 Rama 4 Rd, Pathumwan ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai--- Additional Info: Small counter in hospital food court with vegan options on the 11th floor in the Queen Sirikit Building. Cash only. .-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Delhi Sweets
191/34 Soi Puttha Osot (at Siparya/Puttha South) ~ PH: 02-2341105
Inexpensive-- Lacto, Indian, Fast food, Take-out, Delivery--- Additional Info: Indian food, sweets and snacks. Has Wi-Fi. Directions: Enter from the Mahesak side of Puttha Osot and not from the New Road section as the new highway blocks you. Cash only. Mon-Sun 9:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Diamond Restaurant
703/705 Silom Road (at opposite of Narai Hotel) ~ PH: 02-2360333
Moderate-- Lacto, Indian, Take-out--- Additional Info: Indian food restaurant. Staff speaks English. Has outdoor seating. Accepts credit cards. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Dosa King
153/7, Sukhumvit Road, Soi -11/1 (at 35 meters inside Soi-11/1) ~ PH: + 66-02-6511700
Expensive-- Lacto, Indian, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegetarian Indian restaurant serving both North and South Indian food. Prices for main dish from 70-200 baht each dish. .-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

85/2 Tanao Road, Banglumpu ~ PH: 662-2822748
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Ovo, Thai, Western, Bakery, Take-out, Delivery--- Additional Info: Casual bakery cafe near Khaosan Rd, in alley behind Burger King. Extensive menu consisting of Thai and western dishes. Its is part of center that includes a small travel agency, yoga studio, juice bar, computer stations, and massage. Mon-Sun 8:00am-11:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

65/66 Sukhumvit Soi 22 (at next to Regency Hotel) ~ PH: 662-6634970
Expensive-- Lacto, Italian, Pizza, Western, Beer/Wine--- Additional Info: Upscale Italian restaurant, not affiliated with Hare Krishna. Offers pasta, pizza, and western dishes. Directions: take Skytrain to Phrompong station at the Emporium and Sukhumvit 24, walk 200 meters to Soi 22, enter a courtyard on right 30 meters in. Subway: Exit Sukhumvit station, take exit 2, bear left to Sukhumvit Rd, go left and walk to the pedestrian bridge about 100 meters, cross to other side of Sukhumvit, and proceed to Soi 22 per above. Mon 11:30am-3:00pm, 6:00pm-11:30pm, Wed-Sun 11:30am-3:00pm, 6:00pm-11:30pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Guptaji Ki Kitchen
122/11 Soi Sompprasongruam (at Pratunam Rajprarop Rd Phyathevi) ~ PH: 0868949628,0868947442
Inexpensive-- Lacto, Indian, Buffet, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegetarian restaurant serving Indian thali set meals, as much as you can eat. Mon-Sun 8:30am-10:30pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

235/13 Leap-Klong Parsichareon Fung-Nao, Nong Khaem (at Klong Kwang) ~ PH: 080-4549698
Inexpensive-- Thai--- Additional Info: Small veggie food restaurant approx. 100 meters from the Klong Kwang intersection. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Jay Jay
Ariya Saj Si Building, 270/2 Soi 65, Petchkasem Road ~ PH: 4210489, 4215286, Fa
Inexpensive-- Buddhist, Thai--- Additional Info: Please send HappyCow some details- thanks! .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Jay Kun Eng
120/22 Chom Thong Rd (at between Soi 8 & 10) ~ PH: 02-8780604
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Buddhist--- Additional Info: Small restaurant. Has some vegan cookies. Cash only. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Jay Vegetarian Restaurant
136/8, Pradipat (at /In alleyway between Soi 6 and Soi 8) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Thai--- Additional Info: An authentic vegetarian buffet-style Thai restaurant. From the street you can see the yellow flags with jay written on it but doesn't appear to have an actual name. The front of the restaurant is all open. Check which dishes contain egg. They do speak little English. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Khana Khazana
153 Sukhumvit Soi 11/1 (at Main Rd corner) ~ PH: 66-22552289
Expensive-- Lacto, Indian--- Additional Info: Offers Indian cuisine from various regions of India: Gujarati, Jain South, North, and Punjabi. Dairy is used in many dishes. Near BTS Nana and Robinsons. Mon-Sun 11:00am-12:00am.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Khao Klong
Soi Nawamin 44, Nawamin Road ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Thai vegetarian ready-cooked food for eat in and take out. Has vegan options. Cash only. Mon-Sun 6:00am-3:00pm.--Rating: Not rated yet

Khun Churn
136/28 Moo 17, Kwang Salatham (at Thaveewatana District) ~ PH: 089-110377602-8850310
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Thai--- Additional Info: Location is outside the city and can be reached by car or taxi. Call for directions. A bowl of curry for two is around 170-200 Bht. .--Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Khun Churn - Eathai
Central Embassy Shopping Center, 1031 Ploenchit Rd, Pathumwan, Lumpini (at Lower level) ~ PH: 66-816423747
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Thai--- Additional Info: One location of a restaurant chain originally from Chiang Mai. This branch is a booth in Eathai Food Center, in the Central Embassy Shopping Mall. Accessible by Skytrain Chidlom and Ploenchit stations. The stall is towards the back of the food court. Offers meat-free meals prepared using tofu, mushrooms, and veggies as the core ingredients with plenty of vegan options. Accepts credit cards. Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Khun Churn - Mediplex
Bangkok Mediplex, Sukhumvit Soi 42 (at Sukhumvit Soi 42) ~ PH: 02-7136599
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Thai, Juice bar, Take-out--- Additional Info: Extensive Thai vegetarian food menu. Upscale, nice atmosphere with air conditioning. Offers fresh juices. Directions: from BTS Ekkamai, take exit 2 directly in to Mediplex building and go down to lower ground floor. Mon-Sun 10:00am-8:30pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Khun Noi Pochana Seacon Bangkae
607 Phetkasem Road ~ PH: 024582768
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Take-out, Buddhist--- Additional Info: Booth in the Food Court on the ground floor. Name written in Thai with the word 'mangsawirat.' Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:30am-9:30pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Little Italy
22, Soi 8 Sukhumvit, Klongtay ~ PH: +66-917877090
Expensive-- Lacto, Italian, Pizza, Mexican, Buffet, Beer/Wine, Take-out--- Additional Info: Chain of upscale Italian restaurants serving lacto-vegetarian cuisine. Kitchen breaks from 3:30-6:30pm. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 11:30am-11:30pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Lumpini Park Morning Market
Lumpini Park (at Rama IV) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Chinese, Thai--- Additional Info: Food is available until about 9am. Thai Chinese dishes, desserts and drinks are made fresh every Tues-Fri. Directions to morning market in Lumpini Park: go in the park entrance on Rama IV road across from the HSBC and Abdul Rahim Buildings (there is also a bus stop there). Walk in and take the first right. Walk about 50 meters and the market will be on your right. There are a few vegetarian stalls on the back side. Signs are in Chinese and Thai, ask for "kin jeh" (vegetarian). Cash only. .-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Thanon Tanao, Banglamphu ~ PH: 022824996
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Western, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Vegetarian restaurant and art gallery in a small space with free Wi-Fi, opened Apr 2014. Offers a mix of Thai foods (curries, soups) and western food (salads, pita falafel with hummus, cakes) along with beverages like smoothies and coffee. Sells vegan cakes. Labels if a dish is vegan. Located on Tanao Road one block from Khao San Road in Banglamphu which is a tourist destination especially for the budget traveler. Mon-Sun 10:30am-11:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

2223/20 Ramkhamhaeng Rd, Soi 51/2 (at opposite Taiyo Language School) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Thai--- Additional Info: Please send HappyCow some details- thanks! .-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

MGK - Ruby Land
164/19 Soi Puttha Osot (at Mahesak Rd) ~ PH: 0850951575
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Chinese, Indian, Burmese, Delivery--- Additional Info: Small restaurant open on to the street, with a few table and is fan cooled. Serves mainly Indian food including dosa, thali, paneer dihes and Indian bread with many vegan options. All served on mismatched china. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Call for hours - tell us.--Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Mission Health Food Center
Mission Hospital, 1st floor, 430 Phitsanolok Road (at Yomarat) ~ PH: 02-2811422
Inexpensive-- Lacto, Ovo, Thai, International--- Additional Info: Cafeteria-style vegetarian restaurant with bakery as well as 2 health food stores facing different streets. Also has another store nearby on Lan Luang Road. .-- Rating: 2 HappyCow(s)

Mr Genki
407 Soi Anamai-Ngamcharoen 25, Rama 2 Road, Tha Kham ~ PH: 024593137
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Japanese--- Additional Info: Refined authentic gourmet vegetarian Japanese cuisine served in a Japanese setting. Serves signature dishes with vegan options. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 10:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Sukhumvit Soi 22 ~ PH: +66-814-254-422814-500-387
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Organic, Indian, Pizza, Juice bar, Salad bar, Buffet, Fast food, Take-out, Delivery--- Additional Info: Vegetarian restaurant serves pizzas, Indian range, Bombay chats, mashed potatoes, mocktails and more with vegan options. Wi-fi. Mon-Sun 11:00am-11:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Natural Cafe by Coran
94,96/1 Soi Charoenmitr Ekamai 10 Sukhumvit 63 Road, Prakanong-Nua, Wattana ~ PH:+6627269978
Expensive-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Lacto, Thai, Western, Bakery, Take-out--- Additional Info: Cafe operated by Coran boutique spa. Serves a range of cakes and pastries along with western-style meals and mildly seasoned Thai food that is based on vegetable and brown rice. Natural setting with large windows and lots of green plants surrounding the cafe. Mon-Sat 11:00am-6:00pm.Lunch served until 4pm.-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Panit Mangsawirat Jay
2194/10 Charonen Krung Soi 74/2, Bang Kho Laem ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Buddhist--- Additional Info: Small restaurant. New owner since 2011. Please send new telephone number to HappyCow, thanks. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Punjab Sweets - Chakraphet
436/5 Chakraphet Road (at Phahurat, opposite Soi ATM) ~ PH: 01-8693815
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Small vegetarian Indian restaurant, basic decor. Serves dosa, puri, samosa, namkeen, Indian sweets, chai, and more. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Punjab Sweets - Soi ATM
311-1A Soi ATM (at /off Chakraphet Road) ~ PH: 02-2226541
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Small vegetarian Indian restaurant, basic decor. Serves dosa, puri, samosa, namkeen, Indian sweets, chai, and more. .-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Rak Jay
1021 Sukhumvit 71 Rd ~ PH: 02-381-1176
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Buddhist--- Additional Info: Small Buddhist Thai restaurant near Soi Pridi Banomyong 39. With small selection of food about 6 dishes, 45 baht for rice and 2 ladles of food. Cash only. Mon-Sun 7:00am-7:00pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Rasayana Raw Food Cafe
57 Soi Sukhumvit 39 (Prom-mitr) Sukhumvit Rd, Klongton-Nua Wattana ~ PH: 026624803
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Organic, Juice bar, Raw, Western--- Additional Info: Raw food restaurant cafe. Vegan except for honey in some desserts and drinks. Has wheatgrass juice and other freshly pressed juices. Call before you go to confirm hours. Direction: take SkyTrain to Phrom Phong (Emporium), then get a bus or taxi. Or walk on the right side of soi 39 (coming from Sukhumvit) for 10 minutes. When reaching Soi PhromMit turn right, walk for some minutes in Soi PhromMit until you reach a restaurant on your left-hand side. When reaching this restaurant turn left into the subsoi and walk for 2 minutes, and Rasayana is on your right side. Has outdoor seating. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 9:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Roselee Coffee
588/2 Asoke Din Daeng Rd ~ PH: 0879939131
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Western, Organic, Beer/Wine, Take-out--- Additional Info: Small cafe serving Thai and Western vegan food plus coffee, tea, and dessert. Can ask to use less oil. Near Fortune Tower and Rama 9 MRT. Has outdoor seating. Wheelchair accessible. Mon-Sat 7:30am-8:30pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Royal Dosa
122/12 Rajaprarop Rd., Phyathai, Rajtaevee ~ PH: 02-6563787802-2080559
Inexpensive-- Indian, Beer/Wine, Take-out--- Additional Info: Indian restaurant. Simple environment, friendly service. Serves a variety of North Indian and South Indian food and sweets. .-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Sagar Rattana - Citin Cafe - maybe closed
88/19 Ratchaprarop Road, Phayathai, Ratchathewi (at Petchburi Soi 17 accessible) ~ PH: 662-1208999
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Indian, Thai, Western, Beer/Wine--- Additional Info: Vegetarian restaurant situated within Citin Pratunam Hotel in Pratunam, previously operated as Citin Cafe. Serves buffet breakfast, lunch, dinner. Nice atmosphere with free Wi-Fi access. Directions: enter Petchburi soi 17, turn right, look for Citin Pratunam sign (approx 50m), turn left, go to the end of the soi. FEB 2014 REPORTED SHUT DOWN SINCE JAN 2014 - please let happycow know! Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 6:30am-10:30pm.-- Rating: 3 HappyCow(s)

Saravana Bhavan
92/10-11 Soi Putha Osot Sreepaya, Bangrak (at off Surawongse Rd) ~ PH: +66-873316741
Inexpensive-- Lacto, Indian, Take-out--- Additional Info: Bangkok Indian restaurant serving vegetarian meals including thali and South Indian food such as dosa, idli, uttapam, pizza dosa. Fixed thali comprise rice, 2 large pieces of roti, 3 kinds of veggie curries, pickle, curd. Relaxed atmosphere. .-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Spa Foods - Golden Place Rama 9
181 Pradit Manutham Rd, Wang Tonglang ~ PH: 02-9346530
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Chinese, Thai, Juice bar--- Additional Info: Part of Spa Foods vegetarian restaurants in Bangkok. Restaurant is rather hidden behind Golden Place. Decorated in a 1970's atmosphere. Offers a unique selection of mockmeats made from textured soy protein. Prices moderate to expensive. Please confirm map marker location and let HappyCow know. Has outdoor seating. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Spa Foods - Goldenplace Saphansoong
33/29 Moo3 Ramkhamheang Rd (at next to PTT Petrol) ~ PH: 02-3722175
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Chinese, Thai, Juice bar--- Additional Info: Part of Spa Food vegetarian restaurants in Bangkok. Offers a unique selection of mock meats made from textured soy protein. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Sri Ganesh Restaurant
19/13-14, Sukhumvit Suites, Sukhumvit Soi 13, Khlongtoei Nuea, Wattana (at opposite Citrus Hotel) ~ PH: 02-2581425
Moderate-- Lacto, Indian--- Additional Info: Mango lassi and vegetarian South Indian food. In 2014 relocated from 392/23-24 Soi Sukhumvit 20/1. .-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Suan-Plu Mangsawirat
Sathorn, Soi Suan Plu, Soi 8 (at the right side after 50 meters) ~ PH: 080-0807255
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai--- Additional Info: Authentic Thai dishes, salty and spicy. Non smoking. .Open daily for breakfast and lunch.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Suananda Kitchen
109/9 Thanon Pan, Silom ~ PH: 022381733
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, International, Indian, Ayurvedic, Juice bar--- Additional Info: Garden cafe at the back of Suananda Wellness center. Serves traditional Indian as well an a la carte menu of international food. There is one daily set menu which follows Ayurvedic tradition, cost is around 180 baht. Beverages include Ayurvedic tea, fresh juices, saffron & almond milkshake. Opened in Mar 2013. Has outdoor seating. Accepts credit cards. Mon-Sat 10:30am-6:00pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Suki Jeh Ru Yi
285 Soi Phraya Singhaseni Street ~ PH: 02-2191721086-0689384
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Chinese, Thai--- Additional Info: Thai food restaurant. Uses egg is some dishes. Located opposite Bangkok Centre hotel, north of Rama 4 road, near Hua Lampong railway & MRTA station. Take subway to end at "Hau Lamphong" station, take exit 3, backtrack on Rama 4 (head east) for 70 meters to Soi Trokphrayasinghaseni, turn left, and the restaurant is on the right with a "vegetarian" sign written in English. Mon-Tue 9:00am-10:00pm, Wed 5:30pm-10:00pm, Thu-Sun 9:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Sutunthip Vegetarian Food
36 Thanon Charoen Nakhon ~ PH: 02-862-4238
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Chinese--- Additional Info: Makes extensive selection of Thai and Chinese food with veggies and mock meat. No English spoken but has a menu with English and pictures so you could point to the items you want. Air-conditioned. Mon 10:00am-9:30pm, Wed-Sun 10:00am-9:30pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

185 Praditmanutham Rd, Golden Place ~ PH: 668-19120979
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Organic, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: In the Golden Place supermarket area. Offers a large menu of vegan dishes. Carbonara is the only non-vegan dish, using dairy. Food is cooked fresh using organic vegetables. Free Wi-Fi. Accepts credit cards. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Talalask - Central World
494 Rajdamri Rd, 7F Central World Mall ~ PH: 08-19131320
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Thai, Chinese, Take-out--- Additional Info: Veggie food stall serving mock meats, Chinese soups, some stir-fried dishes. Dec 2014 reported still operating. Feb 2015 reported Carbonara is the only non-vegan dish, using dairy. Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Talalask - Rama 2
Park Village Tower B Floor 2 ~ PH: 66819149178
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Thai, Chinese, Take-out--- Additional Info: Another branch of Talalask, this one is at Park Village Tower B. Offers a large menu of vegan food dishes, cooked hot. Semi upscale decor. Carbonara is the only non-vegan dish, using dairy. Accepts credit cards. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Term-Bun at Platinum Fashion Mall
222 Petchaburi Road (at opposite Amari Watergate Hotel) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Located at the 6th floor food court. Only serve Thai cuisine, and you need to buy coupon first. Cash only. Mon-Sun 9:30am-8:00pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Terminal 21 - Veg Stall Food Court
5FL, Sukhumvit Soi 19, Sukhumvit Rd, North Klongtoei, Wattana (at opposite Asok BTS station) ~ PH: +66-21080888
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Thai, Buffet, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Giant shopping mall with a substantial food court up on the 5th floor - one of the stalls is a vegetarian stall displays a variety of food like stir fries, curries, some tofu, some gluten, some other mock meats, a few fritters. Plate comes with rice and your choice of dishes. Several other stalls in the food court sell smoothies, juices, and desserts with coconut milk. Look for it on the left side, 1 row back. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Mon-Sun 10:00am-10:00pm.--Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Thamna Hometaurant
175 Samsen Road, PhraNakorn, Banglamphu (at btwn Soi 3 & Soi 5) ~ PH: 89810145102-2824979
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Ovo, Thai, Western, International, Beer/Wine--- Additional Info: A renovated 2-story 1940s shop house. Serving Thai and Western vegetarian meals using rice & olive oil, germinated brown rice, organic tofu, and mushroom direct from farm owner. Has Wi-Fi internet access. Cash only. Mon-Sat 11:00am-3:00pm, 5:00pm-9:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

The Cook - Vegetarian Food Booth
44 F, 96-502 Ploenchit Road, Lumpinee, Patumwan (at Rajaprasong) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Ovo, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Located in the Amarin Plaza & Tower "The Cook" food court. Serves Central, Northern, Southern Thai food. Choose white or brown rice as your base and add 2 or 3 main dishes to your plate. Or order individual dishes for take away. Cash only. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

The Rice and Healthy Food
56 Borommaratchonnanee Road ~ PH: 02-8818409
Inexpensive-- Lacto, Thai, Fusion, Juice bar, Take-out, Delivery--- Additional Info: Healthier food cafe. Has Wi-Fi. Wheelchair accessible. Cash only. Mon-Sun 7:30am-8:30pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

The Vegetarian Cottage
41/19 Soi Chokchai Ruammit, Viphavadi-Rangsit Road ~ PH: 022754607
Moderate-- Thai, Chinese, European--- Additional Info: Part of Spa Food vegetarian restaurants in Bangkok. Choose from a variety of mock meat dishes. Try the spicy banana flower salad. Kitchen breaks in the afternoon til 5:30pm. Directions: Take taxi to Vipawadeerangsit Rd or Ratchadaphisek Rd to Soi 7 (call before you go), near airport. Mon-Sun 11:30am-9:30pm.--Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Thonburi Hospital Food Court
34/1 Issaraphap road, Banchanglor, Bangkoknoi ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Thonburi hospital food court has a vegetarian food stall. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Tien Yarn Vegetarian Food
Sukhumvit Soi 36 ~ PH: 089-1827679
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Chinese, Thai--- Additional Info: Provides Chinese and Thai vegan food with some mock meat dishes. Located in the M.S.I. Tower building since Jan 2013, a few blocks down Soi 36 from Sukhumvit; previously at Sathupradit Road, Central Praram 3, Yannawa. Mon-Sun 10:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Um Vegetarian
2115/65-66, Ramkhamhaeng 43 (at Bankrapi) ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai--- Additional Info: Small veggie food shop with 2 tables. Cash only. Mon-Sat 5:30am-5:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Ur Station
612 Soi Suan Phlu (Sathorn Tai Soi 3) (at South Sathorn Road, opposite Immigration Bureau) ~ PH: +66-0-81-8212466
Moderate-- Vegan-friendly, International, Fast food--- Additional Info: Western style coffee shop with air conditioning. Also offer vegan pastries and cakes. Bakery items are all non-egg and fat-free. The moon cake biscuit is a must try. Call to order first as items are made fresh daily. Cash only. .-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Vaishno Bhojnalya
Chakraphet Rd 490 ~ PH: 0811417243
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Lacto, Chinese, Indian--- Additional Info: Offers a small menu of vegetarian food with a few vegan options. Located on a small street across the street from the Indian emporium center near Yaworat Chinatown. Has a/c. Chakraphet Rd is at the end of Yaworat Rd, the main China market road. Please send correct map location to HappyCow. Cash only. Mon-Sun 11:00am-11:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Vegeta House by Brand for Less
2/10 Soi Aree 1 (at Phahon Yothin Road) ~ PH: 02-2713406
Inexpensive-- Thai--- Additional Info: Offers around 10-12 food choices. More dishes are offered on Buddhist holy days. Map location may be incorrect, please confirm and send map link to HappyCow- thanks. Mon-Sat 8:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Vegetarian Food Stall - Ploenjit
Ploenjit Center Building, Ploenjit Road ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Ovo, Chinese, Thai, Fast food, Take-out--- Additional Info: Stall 4 on the 6th floor food court. Buy coupons at a separate counter. Some dishes contain egg. Building is next to Krungthai Bank, near Ploenjit BTS. Mon-Fri 7:00am-2:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Vegie House
1519-21 Rama IV Road ~ PH: 02-2154395
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Thai, Take-out--- Additional Info: Simple vegetarian eatery on the main road, opposite Rama Theatre and nearest metro is Sam Yan/out way 2 - look for it. Sells take away frozen ham, sausages, and other mockmeats. Confirmed open by happycow member Jan 2015. Mon-Sat 8:00am-6:00pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Wishing Well
036 Weekend Market (at subway station Khampangpet 2, cross from J.J) ~ PH: 089-4547566
Inexpensive-- Vegan-friendly, Thai, Indian, Fusion--- Additional Info: Small and interesting menu. Also sell new age books, music, and tarot healing on Tue-Friday. Cash only. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Health Food Stores, Vegan Shops, Vegan Bakeries, Vegetarian B&Bs, Veg Catering, Veg*n Organizations: (24 Listings)

Soi Supha Ruam, Bang Sue ~ PH: +66-291 6474
Store next to Nittaya Kai Yang. Stocks many organic products including "The King's Project" brand; some vegetarian friendly foods; rice milk, soy milk and organic cereal; organic fresh produce. Tue-Sun 9:00am-7:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Baan Suan Pai Store
304 Phahon Yothin Road (at btwn Soi 4- 6 Phahon Yothin, just before the gas station) ~ PH:02-6151583
Selling packaged dry food. Can be reached by Skytrain. Baan Aree direction: from BTS Ari Exit 1 and go straight about 100 m on the right hand side between EXIM Bank and Esso gas station has one small street, go to that street and you will find it. Another one is opposite so from BTS ARI Exit 2, go straight about 100 m on the left hand side and it's next to Caltex gas station. Turn left and go to small street 20 steps. .-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Ban Khao Klong
364/21 Thanon Phutabucha, Bangmot, Thung Krut (at Suan Thonburi Rom Park) ~ PH: 02-8748315
Organic produce, deli. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Ban Thanyapeud
9/269 Moo 7 Moo Ban Ban Suan Rim Klong, Thanon Phuttabucha, Bang Mot (at Phra Ram 2 & Phuttabucha) ~ PH: 02-8693744
Organic produce, deli. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Bangkok Farmers' Market Community Shop
982/22 Sukhumvit Rd, Prakanong, Ground Floor ~ PH: +66-0983694363
Sells produce and products from the farmer market vendors and producers. Mon-Sun 10:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Golden Place Hipermarket
Ekamai Ramindra, Rama IX and Ekamai ~ PH: n/a
Natural foods, beauty products, and more. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Lemon Farm
104/34 Moo1, Changwatana Rd, Thungsonghong, Laksi ~ PH: 02-5752222
Natural foods and products market with several branches in Bangkok, usually located by petrol station. Stocks a little of everything from organic products, fresh produce, deli, juice bar, dried Thai food, herbal medicine and massage oils, to food available for lunch and early dinner (macrobiotic, organic, vegetarian). Mon-Sun 9:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: 2.5 HappyCow(s)

Lemon Farm - Soi 39
Soi Sukumvit 39, 1/2 Soi Phrom Sri 1 ~ PH: 66-22041056
Natural foods and products market with several branches in Bangkok, usually located by petrol station. Stocks a little of everything from organic products, fresh produce, deli, juice bar, dried Thai food, herbal medicine and massage oils, to food available for lunch and early dinner (macrobiotic, organic, vegetarian). Lunch is all veg except for some fish. Mon-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: 4 HappyCow(s)

Lemon Farm - The Portico
The Portico, Soi 31 Langsuan Rd ~ PH: 02-6581975
Natural and and organic food market with several locations in Bangkok. Has a vegan-friendly cafe and juice bar inside. Mon-Sun 9:00am-8:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Palang Bun
Navamin Road, Sukhapiban 1 (at front of Santi Asoke Temple) ~ PH: n/a
Organic produce, ready-made vegan food, natural products, books. Tue-Sun 6:00am-9:00am, 11:00am-6:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Picky Market Express
Klongton Klongtoey ~ PH: +66-91-5655600
This shop carries raw organic superfoods (fresh spirulina paste, cacao, hemp seeds, cacao, maca, carob, chia seeds), vegan protein powders, organic gluten free baking mixes. Located between Asoke BTS & Sukumvit MRT station. 2014 reported relocated from Interchange 21 Building, 399 Sukumvit, Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana. Mon-Fri 7:30am-5:30pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Poh Puk
1/9 Paeng Loi Sirirat, Sirirat, Bangkok Noi (at Sirirat (Prannok) Express Boat Pier) ~ PH: 02-8661719
Organic produce. A few stops on the express boat from Banglampoo Pier near Khaosan Rd by the river. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Radiance Wholefoods
Sukhumvit Soi 22 Klongtoey (at 128/2) ~ PH: 021164265
Organic and health food shop providing fresh organic produce, tempeh, bakery items, nuts, seeds, grains, and more. Mainly receive orders via website and deliver to shipping address. Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:30pm.-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Ran Khao Klong
Piyalom, Sukhumvit 101 (at upper Sukhumvit) ~ PH: 02-747-9379
Organic produce, deli. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Sunshine Market
261/1 Sukumvit soi 31, Swatdi, North Klongtan, Wattana ~ PH: 02-662-1845
The first local natural health shop in Bangkok where you can find a large range of environmentally friendly products specializing in different types of health requirements. Carries wholesome, nutritious, organic foods and skin care for babies, toddlers, children, and adults. All items come from certified organic farming practices. Mon-Sun 9:00am-6:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Soi 24 Ramkamhaeng ~ PH: 08-51231888
A vegetarian shop that carries vegan products. Also has a buffet of vegan and vegetarian items. Mon-Sun 6:00am-7:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Soi Nawamin 46, Nawamin Rd ~ PH: n/a
Inexpensive vegetarian grocery store with many vegan products. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Paradise Park
Paradise Park Shopping Mall, Srinakarin Road ~ PH: n/a
Vegan, Thai, Fast food, Take-outA small food stall in the Paradise Park mall that sells vegan food. Choose from a variety of daily dishes prepared in advance and sold in a cantine style. The prices with brown rice are approx. 40-50 baht per dish. Very popular so the food is sold out by the afternoon. Mon-Sun 9:00am-3:00pm.-- Rating: Not rated yet

Les Marg Bakery
Sukaphiban 1 Road, Bangkae ~ PH: 02-4541706
All the pastry products are suitable to vegetarian users, including pastry without eggs. However, most items might not be vegan. Hundreds of item available and custom made is also available for special events. .-- Rating: 3.5 HappyCow(s)

Veganerie Bakery - EmQuartier
637 Sukhumvit Rd, EmQuartier District, M floor, Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana ~ PH:+66813902396, 991215536
Second location of this vegan bakery, opened March 2015 inside the EmQuartier District shopping center, on the M floor (take away zone). Mon-Sun 10:00am-10:00pm.-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)

Veganerie Bakery - Mercury Ville
4F Mercury Ville, Chitlom BTS, Lang Suan St ~ PH: 08-74433728
Vegan bakery on the 4th floor of Mercury Ville department store, since 2013; has a 2nd shop at EmQuatier. Offers a varied range of vegan pastries and sweets in addition to coconut ice cream and coffee drinks; waffles and granola in the morning. Try the vegan brownie or cinnamon roll. Mon-Sun 10:00am-9:00pm.-- Rating: 4.5 HappyCow(s)

Thai Vegetarian Association
~ PH: 66-0819269136
TVA promotes vegetarianism in Thailand. Activities include regular meetings, conferences, exhibitions, and contests for the public. Also joins with other organizations. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Bangkok Farmers' Market
Gateway Ekamai ~ PH: 0922571106
Connects non-gmo, organic, and pesticide free producers with consumers. See website for dates and times. .-- Rating: Not rated yet

Siam Square Soi 11 ~ PH: +66-822040066
Offers fresh fruit plates, smoothies, and desserts. .-- Rating: 5 HappyCow(s)