Saturday, July 4, 2015

This Is Why You Will Freeze Lemon From Now On

A new scientific study explored how the limonoids, natural abundant in citrus fruits prevent and strongly stop the cancer cells growth, especially the breast cancer cells.
The scientists accentuate that you must not throw away anything from the lemon, not the lemon juice, nor the seeds and especially not the crust.

The lemon crust contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice.

Besides the anticancer effect, the lemon helps in toxin release, has an anti-microbe effect against the bacterial infection and fungus, it is effective against the intern parasites and worms, regulates the blood pressure, works as antidepressant, it is great fighter against stress and nerve dysfunction.

Besides the obvious health reasons, you will enjoy the lemon, especially its crust, as never before in the following way:

It is very simple, take an organic lemon, wash it well and put it in the freezer (you can keep it as a whole, or cut it in slices).

After you have frozen the lemon, take it out and grind it.

Then you can add it to salad, ice cream, soups, meat, favorite drink or whatever you imagine.

What you will experience is a totally new taste in which our tongue cells will enjoy, and your body will thank you with health.

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