Monday, March 2, 2015

The First 5 Essential Oils You Must Buy

The First 5 Essential Oils You Must Buy

The First 5 Essential Oils You Must Buy

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation, often by using steam. You should try to find out the botanical name, chemotype (if applicable), origin of plant (this can drastically change the chemical constituents percentages) and extraction method before you buy any essential oil.

Some essential oils come from seeds while many others are extracted from the leaves of the plant. Because essential oils are so highly concentrated it takes a large amount of plant to produce just one small bottle of oil. Essential oils are incredibly powerful due to this high concentration, so a little bit goes a long way.

The History Behind Essential Oils

Essential Oils (oils extracted aromatic plants) have long played an important role in history, medicine and religion. Oils have been used in religious ceremonies, cosmetics, funeral rites and perfume. The Ancient Egyptians are often credited with being the first to use essential oils. One of the oldest documents – dating back to 1553 BC – called the Ebers Papyrus details how to use frankincense for a variety of ailments. When Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered in 1922, archeologist Howard Carter found 35 alabaster jars that were used to hold oils.

Chinese aromatherapists believed that extracting a plant’s fragrance was a way to free its soul. The Ancient Greek Hippocrates used the aromatherapy of several essential oils to fumigate Athens and fight off the plague epidemic. Pure essential oils were incredibly valuable and saved for priests and royals. Ancient books such as the Bible also talk about the use of essential oils. According to the book, Essential Oils for Beginners, the Old and New Testament reference essential oils over two hundred times.

Today, scientists, physicians and researchers are beginning to return to the use of essential oils as a way to naturally and holistically heal our bodies.

Why Are Essential Oils Really Helpful?

Currently, there are no medicines that are capable of breaking the blood/brain barrier, but essential oils can do this. There are no medicines that can infiltrate a cell to cure a virus, but essential oils can. Always check with a physician before using essential oils, which are generally not recommended to be taken internally. Pregnant and nursing women and children under six should also avoid essential oils.

Essential oils are natural if grown, harvested, and extracted properly. Because these oils are extracted from plants they contain some of the most powerful chemicals plants synthesize. Good-quality essential oils are known to help with congestion, memory loss, pain, inflammation, headaches, nausea, killing bacteria, viruses and fungus, stimulating the immune system, skin issues and many more ailments and concerns.

When certain oils are blended with the correct knowledge based on therapeutic properties and chemical families, the blends can be even more powerful than a single oil. Plant Therapy calls these oils, ‘synergies’.

The Five Beginner Essential Oils You Have To Buy

1. Peppermint: Can be used as a diffuser and helps in concentration. It also helps clear up your sinuses if you put it in the diffuser with a bit of frankincense and water. Mixing it with a carrier oil like coconut will calm an upset stomach. After a long day, your feet can soak in a tub of water withessential peppermint oil. You can spray them to avoid spiders and for freshening a room, cupboard or clothes.

2. Oregano: Can be used for painless wart removal. Taking several drops of this oil in a capsule boosts your immune system and might fight off the cold and flu. You can also use it as a spot treatment for acne with diluting it in water.Oregano is one of the most powerful anti-fungal herbs and can heal UTI and yeast infections.

3. Tea Tree Oil: Can provide relief from razor burns and also a good treatment for acne. It helps soothe your skin, so you can use it as an ingredient in your lotions and creams. Works great as a laundry freshener. You can use ½ cup of baking soda and ¼ cup of vinegar with a few drops of tea tree essential oil to clean any surface. It also helps boost immune support, just use it in a diffuser or on the bottoms of your feet.

4. Lemon: You can add a few drops in your water and drink it, but some essential oils cannot be consumed. So while choosing this make sure, that this can be used internally from whichever store you purchase from. Lemon’s detoxificationproperties are great both internally and externally. Helps calm down nerves, boosts moods, curbs anxiety and freshens your mouth. You can also use behind your ears on wrist as a perfume.

5. Lavender: It is known for its legendary calming properties, so spritz some on your pillows and bed sheets for a good night’s sleep. You can also put it on the back of the kid’s necks at night to help them calm down and sleep well. It can help soothe sore throat, just rub it externally-wherever you feel pain. For mild burns, apply lavender essential oil to get immediate relief. Ear aches can be combated by mixing some lavender oil with olive oil and applying it outside the ear.

1 comment:

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