Thursday, December 18, 2014

88 Recipes For Non-Toxic Personal Care Products

Many folks are so used to simply buying all of their personal care products from the store. We often don’t think to make our own. I personally only make a couple of my own non-toxic simple skin care and personal care items. The few I do use are from edible ingredients I already have in my home. My skin always thanks me when I use them. Personal Care Products can be super simple to make or a bit more elaborate with some ingredients you may need to invest in up front. In the long run, it can turn into a habit and you won’t think of buying store bought items again (well, maybe some of you will).

My recommendation is to start with the items you use every day. Start with your face since it’s what everyone sees first and is the first place to start to go downhill. Then switch out your deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo and soap. If you moisturize daily – simply switch products. You can ditch your old items and give them away to someone who is not as concerned as you about toxins so they don’t go to waste.

The skin is the largest organ of our body.  It has 5 main functions; helps maintain body temperature, it provides a protective barrier, gives us ability to feel sensations,  helps us to eliminate toxins but also absorbs from the external environment and is how we absorb and vitamin D. Due to the skin’s ability to absorb toxins in our external environment and it being the largest organ it is critical to ensure what we are putting on our skin is not toxic.

Most skin care products on the market are quite toxic. Full of ingredients that are harmful to our bodies. Consider the majority of personal care products out there are equivalent to processed foods. They have no benefit to our skin and actually clog up our liver and lymph, creating just another body burden in which we must deal with. Many also have been suspected in leading to cancers and many are serious endocrine disruptors leading to further issues with hormone imbalances and liver toxicity -creating a vicious cycle. It is so critical to take account of what you are putting onto your skin. That’s why I’ve gathered up these amazing recipes for non-toxic personal care products from other health minded blogs to share.


Face Washes, Masks & Lip Balms (15)

Make-Up (5)

Deodorants & After Shave (6)

Toothpastes (9)

Shampoos & Hair Care (5)

Body Washes & Scrubs (8)

Body & Hand Lotions/Moisturizers (16)

Hand Soaps & Foot Care (2)

Salves & Balms (14)

Bug Spray & Insect Repellent (2)

(These products commercially are SUPER toxic – I highly recommend replacing them STAT!)

Sunscreen & Miscellaneous (6)

 The Piscean 

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