Monday, December 1, 2014

Benefits of drinking water

Top Benefits of Drinking Water on Empty Stomach

Are you feeling thirsty? Did you know that by the time you experience the feeling of thirst, your body is already dehydrated.

The feeling of thirst is a signal that you need re-hydration. This condition negatively affects literally the whole body, since almost all of our bodily systems are not able to function properly without the amount of water needed.

Water is essential for proper flow of nutrients in the body. Moreover, the digestive system needs water to be able to work properly. The waste is normally flushed out through sweat and urine. If the body is not hydrated, it becomes unable to flush the waste and it stays in the body causing various problems.

Headaches can also be a result of insufficient intake of water, and vice versa- consuming water can help managing headaches. At the same time water helps the skin build new cells regularly, which results in improved texture and skin that glow.

Researches show that drinking enough water can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 %, and bladder cancer by 50 %.

Nevertheless, water plays an important role in the process of losing weight, since it acts like appetite suppressant.

So far, water had been seen as an essential nutrient for the body. But, it now gets another dimension. This article however will change your perception of it.

Discover the amazing health benefits of drinking water on empty stomach. This article will show why you should reach for a glass of water straight away after waking up.

The numerous healing effects of this habit have been proved and confirmed by numerous studies. There are several diseases that can successfully be healed by adopting this simple routine as your daily habit.
Moreover, drinking water on empty stomach plays an important role in treating the following diseases:

Several pains
Increased Blood fat levels
Kidney diseases
Eye and vision problems
Menstrual pain
The method:
Drink 600 ml of water immediately after waking up, before brushing your teeth.
Brush your teeth and don’t eat or drink anything in the next 40 minutes
Have your regular breakfast
After each meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) don’t eat or drink anything for 2 hours
If you feel like 600 ml of water is too much for having it at once, you should start the treatment with the amount that your body can accept until you get used and increase it slowly until you reach the amount recommended.

Despite treating health conditions, this method is a good energy booster for completely healthy people as well.

How long should I utilise the treatment

The time of the water treatment, depends on the disease that is being treated. For instance:

High blood pressure – 1 month
Diabetes – 1 month
Tuberculosis – 3 months
Gastritis & Constipation – 10 days
However, the final goal is to convert the treatment into life lasting routine.

But, how would you manage to stay hydrated constantly? Here is some advice:

-          Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water (for example, if you weight 140 lbs, then you should drink 70oz of water per day)

-          Always have a bottle of water with you- it will serve as a reminder

-          Eat raw food- fruits and vegetables are dense in water. Despite beverages, you can also intake water from food.

-          Have a glass of water every time you visit the kitchen

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