Friday, September 18, 2015

Chinese Biological Clock: Discover Which One of Your Organs Doesn’t Work As It Should!

A doctor of Chinese medicine will ask his/her patient firstly in which time of day his/her body disorders appear.

According to that, the doctor will know which part of the body has a health problem. 

The Chinese biological clock shows intervals by which energy circulates through parts of our body and every two hours in one day, it is the strongest in a certain part. Then, the functions in that part of the body are the best and if there is a problem, the symptoms will be the most expressed in that period.

A doctor of Chinese medicine will ask his/her patient firstly in which time of day his/her body disorders appear.

According to that, the doctor will know which part of the body has a health problem e.g. if the energy circulates with difficulties or there is too much energy, which also isn’t very good.
It’s not bad to follow your biological clock and write down in which part of the day the difficulties appear, for example fatigue, pain etc. Also, it’s good to write down the time in which the energy is at its highest level and when a person wakes up during the night and it points to a problem with a certain part of the body.


Time of maximum functions (12 hours after that, the function is the smallest):

5 to 7 o’clock – colon
7 to 9 o’clock – stomach
11 to 13 o’clock – heart
13 to 15 o’clock – small intestine
15 to 17 o’clock – urinary bladder sati
17 to 19 o’clock – kidneys
19 to 21 o’clock – heart covering
21 to 23 o’clock – triple heater (thermoregulation)
23 to 1 o’clock – gall bladder
1 to 3 o’clock – liver
3 to 5 o’clock – lungs

When one of the organs is at its top of the energy and the one on the opposite side of the biological clock (with 12 hours of difference) is at its lowest energetic level.

For example, our liver reaches its top between 1 and 3 o’clock and the small intestine is at its lowest energetic level. That’s why if we eat late at night food doesn’t absorb well in the small intestine.

So, we should avoid some of the activities in the time when the energy of a particular organ included in that activity is the lowest.

Copyright © 2015. Be Extra Healthy Now

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